Download LoyalWallet App and Earn 210 LoyalCoins for FREE..Here’s How

Got my 210 LYL coins worth $1.5 today right after downloading LoyalWallet App.

Get yours too for FREE..

Here’s how to get 210 LYL (LoyalCoin) or more for FREE:

1. Download “LoyalWallet” App on Playstore.

2. Create an account. On referral code, just type k9qntqi0 (last character is “zero” not “O”). Failure of typing the referral code will only give you 60 LYL coins.

3. Verify your account through SMS and Email.

210 LYL coins will be credited to your wallet right after account verification.

Shop from one of their merchants if you want to earn more LYL coins.

LoyalWallet is a crypto wallet where you can store or send LYL coins.

You can convert it to bitcoin, too. Just send your LYL coins to Cryptopia and trade it with bitcoin.

Thank me later 🙂

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